Donation Policy
The Innocent’s Guide accepts and solicits donations to further our mission. This policy is in place to manage donations received to ensure our nonprofit maintains its 501(c)(3) status. The board of directors is responsible for this policy and any changes made to it. Thus, the following restrictions are in place accordingly:
We have the right to refuse any donation.
Noncash donations shall be converted to cash as soon as possible unless the donation in question serves a purpose relevant to our mission.
Gifts that are impossible or otherwise difficult to be converted to cash will be refused.
We will not accept a gift or donation if accepting it violates our charter, has severe consequences to the nonprofit, carries a conflict of interest, or jeopardizes our 501(c)(3) status.
Unless an exception is granted by the board of directors, donations cannot be returned.
The Innocent’s Guide will consult with counsel concerning gifts of securities with restrictions, gifts subject to governmental regulation, or any gift that causes The Innocent’s Guide to accept legal obligations.
Please contact us before naming our organization as a beneficiary, requesting gifts in a will, or donating any real estate.
Thank you for your understanding.